Interface TempPlayerData

public interface TempPlayerData
Used to store temporary data of players who used the functionality of the CommandPack plugin.
  • Method Details

    • registerCommandTracking

      void registerCommandTracking(PluginCommand command)
      Registering to track a command.
    • addCommandTracking

      void addCommandTracking(String command, ServerPlayer player)
      Adding command usage tracking.
      Only CommandPack plugin API commands are accepted.
      command - - Settings or alias.
      player - - The player.
    • isTrackingPlayer

      boolean isTrackingPlayer(ServerPlayer player)
      Tracking check.
      player - - The player.
      If true, then the plugin monitors the execution of any command by the player.
    • isTrackingPlayer

      boolean isTrackingPlayer(UUID uuid)
      Tracking check.
      uuid - - The player uuid UUID
      If true, then the plugin monitors the execution of any command by the player.
    • removeCommandTracking

      void removeCommandTracking(String command, ServerPlayer player)
      Removing command usage tracking.
      Only CommandPack plugin commands are accepted.
      If you remove the tracking of a command to be executed by the player when the timer expires, it will not be executed.
      command - - PluginCommand or alias.
      player - - The player.
    • removeCommandTracking

      void removeCommandTracking(String command, UUID uuid)
      Removing command usage tracking.
      Only CommandPack plugin commands are accepted.
      If you remove the tracking of a command to be executed by the player when the timer expires, it will not be executed.
      command - - PluginCommand or alias.
      uuid - - The player uuid.
    • getTrackingPlayerCommands

      Optional<Map<String,Settings>> getTrackingPlayerCommands(ServerPlayer player)
      Getting a tracking map of waiting execute player commands.
      Changing this map has no effect on the tracking.
      player - - The player.
      - Empty Optional or tracking Map
    • getTrackingPlayerCommands

      Optional<Map<String,Settings>> getTrackingPlayerCommands(UUID uuid)
      Getting a tracking map of waiting execute player commands.
      Changing this map has no effect on the tracking.
      uuid - - The player uuid.
      - Empty Optional or tracking Map
    • tpToggle

      void tpToggle(ServerPlayer player)
      Change the status of receiving teleportation requests.
    • isDisableTpRequests

      boolean isDisableTpRequests(ServerPlayer player)
      Whether the player accepts teleportation requests.
    • getPreviousLocation

      Optional<ServerLocation> getPreviousLocation(ServerPlayer player)
      Getting the player's location before teleportation.
    • setPreviousLocation

      void setPreviousLocation(ServerPlayer player)
      Set the location of the player's previous location.
    • addTrackingCooldownCommand

      void addTrackingCooldownCommand(PluginCommand command)
      Register the tracking of delays between command executions.
    • addTrackingCooldownCommand

      void addTrackingCooldownCommand(String command)
      Register the tracking of delays between command executions.
    • getTrackingMap

      Map<UUID,Long> getTrackingMap(PluginCommand command)
      A map of players who cannot currently reuse a command.
    • getTrackingMap

      Map<UUID,Long> getTrackingMap(String command)
      A map of players who cannot currently reuse a command.
    • updateLastActivity

      void updateLastActivity(ServerPlayer player)
      Updating the time of the player's last activity
    • getLastActivity

      long getLastActivity(ServerPlayer player)
      Getting the time of the last activity of the player.
    • isAfk

      boolean isAfk(ServerPlayer player)
      Checks the status of the player's current activity.
      If false, then the player was recently active.
      If true, then the time has passed since the last activity of the player specified in the configuration of the plugin.
    • setAfkStatus

      void setAfkStatus(ServerPlayer player)
      Assigning AFK status to a player.
    • switchSpyCommand

      void switchSpyCommand(ServerPlayer player)
      Switching the player's status of listening to the commands of other players.
      A player will not be added if he does not have permission to listen to commands.
    • isSpyCommand

      boolean isSpyCommand(ServerPlayer player)
      Whether the player listens to other players' commands.
    • setVanishTime

      void setVanishTime(ServerPlayer player)
      Specify the current time as the activation time of invisibility in the player.
    • isVanished

      boolean isVanished(ServerPlayer player)
      If true, the player is invisible and will be shown as offline in the `/seen` command.
      In this case, the time of the last activity will be equal to the activation time of invisibility.
    • getVanishEnabledTime

      Optional<Long> getVanishEnabledTime(ServerPlayer player)
      The invisibility activation time with the `/vanish` command.
    • removeVanishEnabledTime

      void removeVanishEnabledTime(ServerPlayer player)
      Removing the invisibility activation time.
    • addReply

      void addReply(ServerPlayer player, Audience audience)
      Adding Audience for the /reply command
    • removeReply

      void removeReply(ServerPlayer player)
      Removing Audience for the /reply command
    • getReply

      Optional<Audience> getReply(ServerPlayer player)
      Getting Audience for the /reply command
    • getPlayerMods

      @Deprecated Collection<String> getPlayerMods(ServerPlayer player)