Interface RegionMessageEvent

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
RegionChangeBlockEvent.Break, RegionChangeBlockEvent.Place, RegionChangeInventoryEvent, RegionChangeInventoryEvent.Drop, RegionChangeInventoryEvent.Pickup, RegionCommandTeleportEvent, RegionCreateEvent, RegionDamageEntityEvent, RegionDeleteEvent, RegionEntityChangeWorldEvent, RegionExecuteCommandEvent, RegionImpactEvent, RegionImpactEvent.Block, RegionImpactEvent.Entity, RegionInteractBlockEvent, RegionInteractEntityEvent, RegionInteractEntityEvent.Primary, RegionInteractEntityEvent.Secondary, RegionInteractItemEvent, RegionManagementEvent, RegionMoveEntityEvent.ChangeRegion, RegionPistonEvent, RegionPistonEvent.Grief, RegionPistonEvent.OneRegion, RegionResizeEvent, RegionSpawnEntityEvent, RegionUseItemStackEvent

public interface RegionMessageEvent extends org.spongepowered.api.event.Event
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Getting a message that will be shown to the player when the message is canceled.
    <T> T
    Getting the player if he is the cause of the event.
    Depending on the event, the type of object returned will be ServerPlayer or Optional(including ServerPlayer, or empty).
    setMessage(net.kyori.adventure.text.Component message)
    Set the message that will be shown to the player if the event is canceled.

    Methods inherited from interface org.spongepowered.api.event.Event

    cause, context, source
  • Method Details

    • setMessage

      void setMessage(net.kyori.adventure.text.Component message)
      Set the message that will be shown to the player if the event is canceled.
    • getMessage

      Optional<net.kyori.adventure.text.Component> getMessage()
      Getting a message that will be shown to the player when the message is canceled.
    • getPlayer

      <T> T getPlayer()
      Getting the player if he is the cause of the event.
      Depending on the event, the type of object returned will be ServerPlayer or Optional(including ServerPlayer, or empty).