All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Api extends Object implements RegionAPI
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface sawfowl.regionguard.api.RegionAPI

  • Constructor Summary

    Api(RegionGuard plugin)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addTempRegion(UUID user, Region region)
    Adding a temporary region
    Adding a temporary region
    Deleting a region.
    Search for the region with which the intersection occurs.
    findRegion(org.spongepowered.api.ResourceKey worldkey, org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3i position)
    Search for a region in the world using the specified coordinates.
    If the region contains child regions, the deepest child region will be returned.
    findRegion( world, org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3i position)
    Search for a region in the world using the specified coordinates.
    findRegion( world, org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3i position, Predicate<Region> filter)
    Search for a region in the world using the specified coordinates.
    getBuyBlockPrice( player)
    Get the value of the block price for the player.
    getBuyClaimPrice( player)
    Get the value of the region price for the player.
    getBuyMembersPrice( player)
    Getting the value of the price of the region's participant limit increase.
    getBuySubdivisionPrice( player)
    Get the value of the subdivision price for the player.
    getClaimedBlocks( player)
    Get the number of blocks that belong to the player.
    getClaimedRegions( player)
    Get the number of regions belonging to the player.
    getCurrency( player)
    Getting the currency in which the player will perform the transaction.
    Get the default flags for a certain type of region.
    getGlobalRegion(org.spongepowered.api.ResourceKey worldkey)
    Get world region.
    getGlobalRegion( serverWorld)
    Get world region.
    getLimitBlocks( player)
    Getting the limit of blocks that can claiming the player.
    getLimitClaims( player)
    Getting the limit of regions that can claiming the player.
    getLimitMaxBlocks( player)
    The maximum limit of blocks a player can claim.
    getLimitMaxClaims( player)
    The maximum limit of regions a player can claim.
    getLimitMaxMembers( player)
    The maximum limit of members of the player region..
    getLimitMaxSubdivisions( player)
    The maximum limit of child regions a player can create.
    Getting the members limit for each region of a particular player.
    Each region has its own separate members limit.
    getLimitMembers( player)
    Getting the members limit for each region of a particular player.
    Each region has its own separate members limit.
    getLimitSubdivisions( player)
    Get the maximum number of child regions a player can create.
    Get the minimum size of the region, which is set in the main configuration file.
    Getting limits and other information on the player.
    getPlayerData( player)
    Getting limits and other information on the player.
    getPlayerRegions(UUID playerUUID)
    Obtaining all player regions.
    getPlayerRegions( player)
    Obtaining all player regions.
    Getting all registered regions except globals.
    Obtaining a map of regions by worlds.
    Getting all registered flags.
    Obtaining a type of region selector from the player.
    Getting the type of regions creating by the player.
    getSelectRegionType( player)
    Getting the type of regions creating by the player.
    getSellBlockPrice( player)
    Get the value of the block price for the player.
    getSellClaimPrice( player)
    Get the value of the region price for the player.
    getSellMembersPrice( player)
    Getting the value of the price of the region members limit decrease.
    getSellSubdivisionPrice( player)
    Get the value of the subdivision price for the player.
    Get a temporary region
    Getting an item for selecting regions.
    Go to the API for visually highlighting regions with a mod on the WECui client.
    isRegisteredGlobal( world)
    registerFlag(String flagName, FlagConfig settings)
    FlagConfig registration.
    Region registration.
    Region registration in asynchronous mode.
    Removing a temporary region
    Removing a temporary region
    Saving region data to disk.
    Specifies the type of regions created by the player.
    setCreatingRegionType( player, RegionTypes regionType)
    Specifies the type of regions created by the player.
    setLimitBlocks( player, long limit)
    Change the limit of blocks a player can claim.
    setLimitClaims( player, long limit)
    Set the number of regions a player can own.
    setLimitMembers( player, long limit)
    Set the number of players that each player region can contain.
    setLimitSubdivisions( player, long limit)
    Set a limit to the subdivisions a player can create.
    setPlayerData(UUID player, PlayerData playerData)
    Setting limits and other information on the player.
    setPlayerData( player, PlayerData playerData)
    Setting limits and other information on the player.
    setSelectorType(UUID uuid, SelectorTypes selectorType)
    Set a type of region selector for the player.
    setSelectorType( player, SelectorTypes selectorType)
    Set a type of region selector for the player.
    Remove the region from the list of registered regions.
    This method will not remove the region from the disk.
    updateGlobalRegionData( serverWorld, Region region)
    Update global region data.
    Update cached data on regions and blocks claimed by the player.
    updatePlayerData( player)
    Update cached data on regions and blocks claimed by the player.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • generateDefaultGlobalRegion

      public void generateDefaultGlobalRegion()
    • getRegisteredFlags

      public SortedMap<String,FlagConfig> getRegisteredFlags()
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting all registered flags.
      Specified by:
      getRegisteredFlags in interface RegionAPI
    • registerFlag

      public void registerFlag(String flagName, FlagConfig settings)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      FlagConfig registration. Values cannot be null.
      Specified by:
      registerFlag in interface RegionAPI
    • updateGlobalRegionData

      public void updateGlobalRegionData( serverWorld, Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Update global region data.
      Specified by:
      updateGlobalRegionData in interface RegionAPI
      serverWorld - - world
      region - - world region.
    • addTempRegion

      public void addTempRegion(Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Adding a temporary region
      Specified by:
      addTempRegion in interface RegionAPI
    • addTempRegion

      public void addTempRegion(UUID user, Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Adding a temporary region
      Specified by:
      addTempRegion in interface RegionAPI
    • removeTempRegion

      public void removeTempRegion(Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Removing a temporary region
      Specified by:
      removeTempRegion in interface RegionAPI
    • removeTempRegion

      public void removeTempRegion(UUID uuid)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Removing a temporary region
      Specified by:
      removeTempRegion in interface RegionAPI
      uuid - - owner uuid
    • getTempRegion

      public Optional<Region> getTempRegion(UUID uuid)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get a temporary region
      Specified by:
      getTempRegion in interface RegionAPI
      uuid - - owner uuid
      Optional or empty
    • getSelectorType

      public SelectorTypes getSelectorType(UUID uuid)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Obtaining a type of region selector from the player.
      Specified by:
      getSelectorType in interface RegionAPI
      Player-selected region selector type, or default selection type.
    • setSelectorType

      public void setSelectorType( player, SelectorTypes selectorType)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Set a type of region selector for the player.
      Specified by:
      setSelectorType in interface RegionAPI
      selectorType - - SelectorTypes
    • setSelectorType

      public void setSelectorType(UUID uuid, SelectorTypes selectorType)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Set a type of region selector for the player.
      Specified by:
      setSelectorType in interface RegionAPI
      uuid - - player uuid
      selectorType - - SelectorTypes
    • getSelectRegionType

      public RegionTypes getSelectRegionType( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the type of regions creating by the player.
      Specified by:
      getSelectRegionType in interface RegionAPI
    • getSelectRegionType

      public RegionTypes getSelectRegionType(UUID uuid)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the type of regions creating by the player.
      Specified by:
      getSelectRegionType in interface RegionAPI
      uuid - - player uuid
    • setCreatingRegionType

      public void setCreatingRegionType( player, RegionTypes regionType)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Specifies the type of regions created by the player.
      You cannot assign the types: global, subdivision, unset.
      Specified by:
      setCreatingRegionType in interface RegionAPI
    • setCreatingRegionType

      public void setCreatingRegionType(UUID uuid, RegionTypes regionType)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Specifies the type of regions created by the player.
      You cannot assign the types: global, subdivision, unset.
      Specified by:
      setCreatingRegionType in interface RegionAPI
    • getGlobalRegion

      public Region getGlobalRegion( serverWorld)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get world region.
      Specified by:
      getGlobalRegion in interface RegionAPI
      serverWorld - - the world of the region.
    • getGlobalRegion

      public Region getGlobalRegion(org.spongepowered.api.ResourceKey worldkey)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get world region.
      Specified by:
      getGlobalRegion in interface RegionAPI
      worldkey - - the world key of the region.
    • getRegions

      public Collection<Region> getRegions()
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting all registered regions except globals.
      Specified by:
      getRegions in interface RegionAPI
    • getRegionsPerWorld

      public Map<org.spongepowered.api.ResourceKey,Map<ChunkNumber,ArrayList<Region>>> getRegionsPerWorld()
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Obtaining a map of regions by worlds.
      Without global regions.
      Specified by:
      getRegionsPerWorld in interface RegionAPI
    • registerRegion

      public void registerRegion(Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Region registration.
      The method does not save the region data to disk.
      Specified by:
      registerRegion in interface RegionAPI
      region - - Registrable region.
    • registerRegionAsync

      public void registerRegionAsync(Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Region registration in asynchronous mode.
      Specified by:
      registerRegionAsync in interface RegionAPI
      region - - Registrable region.
    • unregisterRegion

      public void unregisterRegion(Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Remove the region from the list of registered regions.
      This method will not remove the region from the disk.
      Specified by:
      unregisterRegion in interface RegionAPI
    • saveRegion

      public void saveRegion(Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Saving region data to disk.
      Specified by:
      saveRegion in interface RegionAPI
      region - - Preservable region..
    • deleteRegion

      public void deleteRegion(Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Deleting a region.
      Specified by:
      deleteRegion in interface RegionAPI
      region - - Removable region.
    • findRegion

      public Region findRegion( world, org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3i position)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Search for a region in the world using the specified coordinates.
      If the region contains child regions, the deepest child region will be returned.
      Specified by:
      findRegion in interface RegionAPI
      world - - The world in which the search will be performed.
      position - - Checkable position.
      - Found region or global region.
    • findRegion

      public Optional<Region> findRegion( world, org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3i position, Predicate<Region> filter)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Search for a region in the world using the specified coordinates.
      If the region contains child regions, the deepest child region will be returned.
      Specified by:
      findRegion in interface RegionAPI
      world - - The world in which the search will be performed.
      position - - Checkable position.
      - Found region or global region.
    • findRegion

      public Region findRegion(org.spongepowered.api.ResourceKey worldkey, org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3i position)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Search for a region in the world using the specified coordinates.
      If the region contains child regions, the deepest child region will be returned.
      Specified by:
      findRegion in interface RegionAPI
      worldkey - - The key of the world in which you want to search.
      position - - Checkable position.
      - Found region or global region.
    • findIntersectsRegion

      public Region findIntersectsRegion(Region region)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Search for the region with which the intersection occurs.
      Specified by:
      findIntersectsRegion in interface RegionAPI
      region - - Original region.
      The first region found with which there is an intersection.
      Or the original region if no intersection is found.
    • getPlayerRegions

      public List<Region> getPlayerRegions( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Obtaining all player regions.
      Specified by:
      getPlayerRegions in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Owner of the regions.
      - List of player regions.
    • getPlayerRegions

      public List<Region> getPlayerRegions(UUID playerUUID)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Obtaining all player regions.
      Specified by:
      getPlayerRegions in interface RegionAPI
      playerUUID - - UUID of owner of the regions.
      - List of player regions.
    • getWandItem

      public org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack getWandItem()
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting an item for selecting regions.
      Specified by:
      getWandItem in interface RegionAPI
    • getMinimalRegionSize

      public int getMinimalRegionSize(SelectorTypes selectorType)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the minimum size of the region, which is set in the main configuration file.
      Specified by:
      getMinimalRegionSize in interface RegionAPI
      selectorType - - Type of region selection.
      - The minimum number of blocks that should be in the region.
    • getDefaultFlags

      public Map<String,Set<FlagValue>> getDefaultFlags(RegionTypes regionType)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the default flags for a certain type of region.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultFlags in interface RegionAPI
    • getClaimedBlocks

      public long getClaimedBlocks( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the number of blocks that belong to the player.
      Specified by:
      getClaimedBlocks in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The amount of blocks the player owns according to the type of allocation of each region.
    • getClaimedRegions

      public long getClaimedRegions( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the number of regions belonging to the player.
      Specified by:
      getClaimedRegions in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The number of regions belonging to the player.
    • getLimitBlocks

      public long getLimitBlocks( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the limit of blocks that can claiming the player.
      Specified by:
      getLimitBlocks in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The number of blocks available to the player for claiming.
    • getLimitClaims

      public long getLimitClaims( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the limit of regions that can claiming the player.
      Specified by:
      getLimitClaims in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The number of regions available to the player for claiming.
    • getLimitSubdivisions

      public long getLimitSubdivisions( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the maximum number of child regions a player can create.
      Each basic region has its own limit.
      Specified by:
      getLimitSubdivisions in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
    • getLimitMembers

      public long getLimitMembers( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the members limit for each region of a particular player.
      Each region has its own separate members limit.
      Specified by:
      getLimitMembers in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The number of members limit for each region of a particular player.
    • getLimitMembers

      public long getLimitMembers(UUID player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the members limit for each region of a particular player.
      Each region has its own separate members limit.
      Specified by:
      getLimitMembers in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The number of members limit for each region of a particular player.
    • getLimitMaxBlocks

      public long getLimitMaxBlocks( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      The maximum limit of blocks a player can claim.
      Specified by:
      getLimitMaxBlocks in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The number of blocks available to the player for claiming.
    • getLimitMaxClaims

      public long getLimitMaxClaims( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      The maximum limit of regions a player can claim.
      Specified by:
      getLimitMaxClaims in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The number of regions available to the player for claiming.
    • getLimitMaxSubdivisions

      public long getLimitMaxSubdivisions( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      The maximum limit of child regions a player can create.
      Each basic region has its own limit.
      Specified by:
      getLimitMaxSubdivisions in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The number of subdivisions available to the player for creating.
    • getLimitMaxMembers

      public long getLimitMaxMembers( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      The maximum limit of members of the player region..
      Each basic region has its own limit.
      Specified by:
      getLimitMaxMembers in interface RegionAPI
      player - - Checked player
      - The maximum number of region members a player can add.
    • setLimitBlocks

      public void setLimitBlocks( player, long limit)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Change the limit of blocks a player can claim.
      Specified by:
      setLimitBlocks in interface RegionAPI
    • setLimitClaims

      public void setLimitClaims( player, long limit)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Set the number of regions a player can own.
      Specified by:
      setLimitClaims in interface RegionAPI
    • setLimitSubdivisions

      public void setLimitSubdivisions( player, long limit)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Set a limit to the subdivisions a player can create.
      Specified by:
      setLimitSubdivisions in interface RegionAPI
    • setLimitMembers

      public void setLimitMembers( player, long limit)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Set the number of players that each player region can contain.
      Specified by:
      setLimitMembers in interface RegionAPI
    • getBuyBlockPrice

      public double getBuyBlockPrice( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the value of the block price for the player.
      Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different prices.
      Specified by:
      getBuyBlockPrice in interface RegionAPI
    • getBuyClaimPrice

      public double getBuyClaimPrice( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the value of the region price for the player.
      Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different prices.
      Specified by:
      getBuyClaimPrice in interface RegionAPI
    • getBuySubdivisionPrice

      public double getBuySubdivisionPrice( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the value of the subdivision price for the player.
      Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different prices.
      Specified by:
      getBuySubdivisionPrice in interface RegionAPI
    • getBuyMembersPrice

      public double getBuyMembersPrice( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the value of the price of the region's participant limit increase.
      Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different prices.
      Specified by:
      getBuyMembersPrice in interface RegionAPI
    • getSellBlockPrice

      public double getSellBlockPrice( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the value of the block price for the player.
      Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different prices.
      Specified by:
      getSellBlockPrice in interface RegionAPI
    • getSellClaimPrice

      public double getSellClaimPrice( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the value of the region price for the player.
      Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different prices.
      Specified by:
      getSellClaimPrice in interface RegionAPI
    • getSellSubdivisionPrice

      public double getSellSubdivisionPrice( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Get the value of the subdivision price for the player.
      Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different prices.
      Specified by:
      getSellSubdivisionPrice in interface RegionAPI
    • getSellMembersPrice

      public double getSellMembersPrice( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the value of the price of the region members limit decrease.
      Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different prices.
      Specified by:
      getSellMembersPrice in interface RegionAPI
    • getCurrency

      public org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.Currency getCurrency( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting the currency in which the player will perform the transaction. Depending on how the permissions plugin is set up, different players may have different currencies.
      Specified by:
      getCurrency in interface RegionAPI
    • setPlayerData

      public void setPlayerData( player, PlayerData playerData)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Setting limits and other information on the player.
      Specified by:
      setPlayerData in interface RegionAPI
    • setPlayerData

      public void setPlayerData(UUID player, PlayerData playerData)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Setting limits and other information on the player.
      Specified by:
      setPlayerData in interface RegionAPI
    • updatePlayerData

      public void updatePlayerData( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Update cached data on regions and blocks claimed by the player.
      Specified by:
      updatePlayerData in interface RegionAPI
    • updatePlayerData

      public void updatePlayerData(UUID player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Update cached data on regions and blocks claimed by the player.
      Specified by:
      updatePlayerData in interface RegionAPI
    • getPlayerData

      public Optional<PlayerData> getPlayerData( player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting limits and other information on the player.
      Specified by:
      getPlayerData in interface RegionAPI
    • getPlayerData

      public Optional<PlayerData> getPlayerData(UUID player)
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Getting limits and other information on the player.
      Specified by:
      getPlayerData in interface RegionAPI
    • getWorldEditCUIAPI

      public WorldEditCUIAPI getWorldEditCUIAPI()
      Description copied from interface: RegionAPI
      Go to the API for visually highlighting regions with a mod on the WECui client.
      Specified by:
      getWorldEditCUIAPI in interface RegionAPI
    • updateWandItem

      public void updateWandItem()
    • isRegisteredGlobal

      public boolean isRegisteredGlobal( world)