Interface RandomTeleportService.RandomTeleportOptions

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface RandomTeleportService.RandomTeleportOptions extends DataSerializable
These teleportation options to a random position must be used to find a position.
  • Method Details

    • builder

    • of

    • copy

      Copying a class with options.
    • getWorldKey

      ResourceKey getWorldKey()
      The ID of the target world. If the world is not found or the ID is null, the player's world will be selected for the position search.
    • getAttempts

      int getAttempts()
      The number of attempts to find the position.
    • isStartFromWorldSpawn

      boolean isStartFromWorldSpawn()
      Specifies the target world for teleportation by the player's current world.
      If the player's current world is not listed in this worlds map as a source world, the player will be teleported to the same world he is in.
    • getMinRadius

      int getMinRadius()
      Minimum teleportation distance.
    • getRadius

      int getRadius()
      Maximum teleportation distance.
    • getMaxY

      int getMaxY()
      Maximum height for finding a position.
    • getMinY

      int getMinY()
      Minimum height for finding a position.
    • getProhibitedBiomes

      Set<String> getProhibitedBiomes()
      Biomes specified in this list will not be available for teleportation by random coordinates.
    • isOnlySurface

      boolean isOnlySurface()
      If true, the player will always move to the surface.
    • isProhibitedLiquids

      boolean isProhibitedLiquids()
      If true, the search for the correct position will skip fluid blocks.
    • getProhibitedBlocks

      Set<String> getProhibitedBlocks()
      Blocks specified in this list will not be available for teleportation by random coordinates.